Enjoy Cornetto Royale, Magnum Mini and HÄAGEN-DAZS ice cream deals at 7-Eleven from now till 15 February. Pick your favourites from these cool ice cream deals:
- Cornetto Royale Unicornetto / Boba Cheese / Disc Cookie / Royale Choc / Strawberry / Dark Choc Brownie 110-135ml (U.P. $2.40 each) - 5 for $8.80
- Magnum Mini Cup Classic 100ml (U.P. $4.20 each) - 2 for $6.90
- Magnum Mini Assorted Flavours 6x55ml (U.P. $12.90 each) - 2 for $16.90
- HÄAGEN-DAZS Mini Cup Assorted Flavours 100ml (U.P. $6.50 each) - 3 for $9.90
- HÄAGEN-DAZS Mini Cups Assorted Flavours 6x75ml - $10.90
- HÄAGEN-DAZS Pint Assorted Flavours 473ml (U.P. $15.50 each) - 2 for $23.90
While stocks last. Product availability varies from store to store.